Polo is the most physically demanding sport for horses. They must go full speed, stop, turn and go back to full speed in a second. Although this can be fun if the horse is not looked after properly this can bring many physical consequences and lead to the horse having a bad performance in the game.

First, we need to have knowledge of the types of injuries they can have. The most common injuries are produced in the legs and back. Sometimes the game can get rough leading to exposed cuts in the legs or other parts of the body. Some specific injuries in the legs can be: 

  • Sesamoid fractures
  • Cannon bone fractures
  • Fetlock joint injuries
  • Suspensory ligament injuries
  • Tendonitis
  • Bruised soles

However, they can also get internal injuries that we can’t see. Such as strains and sprains, particularly in the tendons and ligaments. Is important to keep the horses’ legs cold to avoid this as much as possible!

In addition, back injuries are the hardest to spot. You can tell when your horse is suffering from a back problem when: 

  • Get annoyed when tacking up
  • “Need to buck” to warm up
  • Jump when they stop 
  • Don’t turn as quickly as other ponies 
  • Rear up frequently 

People with no horse background can think these attitudes are bad manners, but this is the way the pony is telling you that something is wrong.

The most common injuries of the back in polo horses can be:

  • Thoracolumbar spine injuries
  • Sacroiliac joint injuries
  • Dorsal spinous process fractures
  • Intervertebral disk lesions
  • Vertebral compression fractures
  • Muscular strains and tears

To be able to avoid this, the key is to warm up the pony properly before the game. In addition, make sure that the saddle fits accurately and that your horse is in a healthy condition. It has been proved that the back of the horse is delicate. Therefore, hard impacts such as bouncing in the saddle must be avoided. This is why the Krono Polo Saddle is the best in the market, as it is ultra-light and has a perfect fitting on the horse's back. The Krono Polo saddle is made with a laminated beech wood tree, with a reinforced gullet plate. This tree absorbs some of the shocks from impact, protecting the horse's back.

In conclusion, Polo is fun for the player and the horse as long as both are comfortable and feel good. Playing a horse that is showing signs of pain such as lameness or back problems, can lead to a lost match as you won’t be able to go full speed, stop, turn and go back to full speed in a second. Remember! A healthy horse can make all the difference when you are facing a strong team.

Visit our website and discover a variety of items that will help in the care of your polo pony at